Tag Archives: Development

Opioid Exposure During Pregnancy, Long-Term Effects on Children’s Development

According to a recent analysis of national data by the Centers for Disease Control, the number of pregnant women with opioid use disorder (as documented at the time of delivery) more than quadrupled from 1999 through 2014.  Studies of opioid exposure in pregnancy suggest increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes including stillbirth, low birth weight,… Read More »

ASP.NET Programming – An Introduction to ASP.NET Programming & Development

by FlorentMarotel ASP.NET stands for active server pages and .NET framework. ASP.NET is a highly popular programming language. Unlike ASP run time ASP.NET uses the common language runtime. CLR is .NET runtime and it manages the execution of the code. CLR allows the objects that are created in different languages to interact with each other;… Read More »