Silver Linings Colloidal Silver Hydrosol, 10 PPM, A Powerful Natural Antibiotic, and Preventative Measure Against Infections.

By | November 27, 2017
Silver Linings Colloidal Silver Hydrosol, 10 PPM, A Powerful Natural Antibiotic, and Preventative Measure Against Infections.

COLLOIDAL SILVER – The answer you’ve been looking for. Whether your ailment is bacteria, fungi, or virus related, colloidal silver can help. It acts like a second immune system and gives your own immune system a boost to fight off illness and promote healing. It has been used for thousands of years to combat infection and has no negative side effects. HOW IT WORKS – The presence of silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the single celled enzymes. Taken orally or topically, the silver solution is absorbed into the bloodstream, then transported quickly to the body cells. Swish the solution under the tongue briefly for faster absorption. You may see results immediately, but it may take up three to four days for the silver to build in the immune system sufficiently for benefits to begin.

  • FAST ACTING – Colloidal silver Kills bad bacteria, fungi, and viruses within 24 hours of contact
  • MULTIPURPOSE – Colloidal silver is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. Can be used topically or internally. Good for adults, children, pets, and plants.
  • THE NATURAL SOLUTION – Colloidal silver is a perfect option for those seeking to avoid harsh drugs and prescribed antibiotics.
  • PROVEN FORMULA – Vegan, gluten free, and non-GMO, with no added salts, proteins, artificial ingredients, preservatives or additives. Our silver hydrosol has been formulated to be safely absorbed and expelled from your body. Keep a bottle of silver in your medicine cabinet as an alternative therapy to fight common health issues.
  • THIRD PARTY VERIFIED – Scientifically Tested and produced with State of the Art Equipment to insure the highest quality silver at 10 PPM, our colloidal silver has been verified by the Colloidal Science Lab to be nano sized. Used and recommended by medical professionals, silver has been used since ancient times and is still the main treatment for major burn victims today.