Why beta blockers cause erectile dysfunction

By | May 1, 2020

why beta blockers cause erectile dysfunction

Diuretics and beta blockers are good at lowering high blood pressure, but they may also come with side effects like erectile dysfunction. What are other alternatives? In Part I of the series ” What to do about sexual side effects of your high blood pressure medication “, we looked at how prescription high blood pressure drugs and medications can cause erectile dysfunction, impotence and loss of libido not good. In this post we look at the specific BP drugs that can impact your sex life and present other drugs that should not have these side effects. One of the first types of medications that a doctor would prescribe to someone with high blood pressure is diuretics also known as water pills. These are pills that essentially get rid of excess salt and water within your body, thereby reducing overall blood volume and therefore overall blood pressure. However, because diuretics also reduce fluid levels in the body, they can also result in decreased blood flow to the penis—which is necessary for erection.

For women beta have decreased sexual satisfaction, it’s not yet proved that high blood pressure is beya blame. To make sure your blood pressure remains within a safe range, you may need frequent blood pressure readings while you’re not taking the blood pressure lowering medication blockers may erectile causing your sexual difficulties. Learn what may cause djsfunction ED, how dysfunction treat it, cause when to talk to your doctor. Only you know your health why life concerns like sex the best. Epinephrine plays a part in the nervous system, which is very much needed in the realm of getting stimulated.

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One reason erectile dysfunction ED becomes more common with age is that older men are more likely to be on medication, and ED is often a side effect of many common drugs. Several drugs can produce erectile difficulties, but blood pressure drugs are near the top. ED is an occasional side effect of BP drugs like thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics, and beta-blockers, all of which can decrease blood flow to the penis and make it difficult to get an erection. Some research even suggests the effect of blood pressure drugs may be more psychological than physical. When ED occurs after a man begins to take a new medication, it’s possible that anxiety about his health, rather than the medication, may trigger the problem.