Be Aware! Stress May Cause Cancer

By | September 16, 2018

Cancer! The word itself is more dreadful than anything else. How one can sustains the truth that he is dying day by day despite of the treatment he is going through. Till date the cause of cancer is in the dark. Studies have done and researches are still going on to find out the reason for the uncontrolled growth of cells which take place when the person is suffering from cancer but nothing has come in the light. Unfortunately no study has come up with a positive result about the causes of cancer but several studies have definitely point out that excessive stress may augment the risk of developing cancer. Just like stress is linked with the increased risk of cardiovascular disorder, obesity and infertility, it is also connected with the raised risk of cancer. 

Let’s see how stress is linked up with the cancer risk. 

People experience stress due to several reasons. There are teenagers who under-go stressful situation due to examinations, parent’s divorce etc. Workplace stress is common nowadays. Stress has become an inseparable part of our lives and we have learned to live with it. Our body has its own tools to beat the stress blues. When we are stressed our body starts to secret some hormones such as cortisol, adrenalin, dopamine, endorphins etc. which determines the body’s reaction to the situation. 

Cancer is referred as the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells which ultimately becomes the reason for the sufferer’s death. These cells affect the normal functioning cells and organ and the sufferer dies. The exact cause of cancer is still in the dark. It is assumed that certain generic and environmental factors are responsible for the augmented risk of cancer. When a person falls ill, it also indicates that he is not having a strong immune system. If it were strong, it would have stopped the growth of the cells just like it did when bacteria of viruses start to form colonies in your body. Here stress is the reason for your weakened immune system. It is also known to worsen the already present health issues in an individual. Stress affects the digestive, endocrine and every other system in the body. If your immune system is not working then you may develop cancers caused by some viruses. A strong immune system you need to fight back with these types of cancers. 

Stress also make one suffer from other health issues. It brings out physiological, psychological and behavioral changes in the person. Thus the person shows back pain, chest pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, upset stomach, elevations in the blood sugar levels, depression, anxiety etc. Along with these, you can also experience overeating, weight gain or loss and obesity too. People who are stressed tend to drink more and smoke also. These two habits are connected with the development of cancer. 

Stress management is the key to beat the blues caused by the stress. Be free from the stressful situations. If possible take medical help. Try to adopt the ways that will reduce your stress level and keep you healthy. And not to forget, it also reduces the risk of developing cancer.

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