Blood Pressure Definition

By | December 31, 2017

The heart organ is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients. The pathways the blood travels is through vessels called arteries. Each time the heart beats it pumps blood through the arteries. As the blood flows through the arteries a pressure pushes against the outer wall of the arteries. This pressure pushing against the wall of the arteries is the blood pressure during a half cycle. To be exact the medical term is systolic pressure. To simplify systolic pressure, all it signifies is the blood pressure as the heart contracts, pumping blood.

When checking blood pressure (BP) it’s good to know the pressure as the heart contracts and when the heart relaxes. As the heart relaxes it fills with blood which occurs rapidly and is called in medical terms, the diastolic pressure. The actual blood pressure definition is the measurement of the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

BP is taken with a BP meter. Generally, the BP is taken on the upper part of either arm where a major artery is located. But can be taken on other parts of the body. The meter measures the BP at its high point and low point of the heart cycle. This is the contracting and relaxing of the heart, similar blood pressure definition. The reading is in numbers measured in millimeters of mercury.

The blood pressure definition in terms of the numbers from the BP meter is the first number will be the systolic pressure (contracting heart) and the second number the diastolic pressure (relaxed heart). What this means to you is if these numbers vary from your natural BP reading. Some problem whether physiological or psychological may be present causing the BP to go high or low.

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It’s good not to take one individual reading as the final result. The readings should be taken over time to get an average. When taking BP readings at a store or some other remote location. Recognize the machine is not a trained medical professional. And in some cases the machine may not be accurate. Use these machines only to get an idea of your blood pressure.

The optimum reading for BP should be around 120/80 mm Hg, which is 120 systolic and 80 diastolic millimeters in mercury. Your natural blood pressure may not be this number. Yours may be slightly higher or lower. Depending on your own unique body and health your BP reading will be determined. Make a mental note that certain types of medicines may cause variations in BP readings. As well, illness can cause BP to vary.

The most common HIGH blood pressure (HBP) affects your health by increasing your chances of heart disease, kidney problems, and stroke. With HBP your heart works harder to pump the blood through the arteries, causing unnecessary damage to the arteries.

Detecting HBP should be by a trained medical professional. They can, also, give you a more thorough oral blood pressure definition and answer any questions you may have. There are no real physical symptoms of HBP. This is why you should have your BP checked at least every two years.

Brian F. Brown is a medical professional and author who resides in Indiana. He runs a website that provides information on how how to control and normalize high blood pressure, visit Brian’s website at