Computer Vision Syndrome: Coping with Eye Strain

By | July 29, 2020

With extended screen time usage by adults and kids to keep up with office & school task there runs a high risk of digital eye strain.

High-energy visible light called blue light is emitted by the LED screens of computers, tablets, smartphones and other digital devices. Eye doctors are concerned that the blue light exposure from computers and digital devices might increase a person’s risk of age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration later in life.


Computer eye strain and computer vision syndrome are caused by our eyes and brain reacting differently to characters on a computer screen than they do to printed characters. Our eyes have little problem focusing on printed material that has dense black characters with well-defined edges. But characters on a computer screen don’t have the same degree of contrast and definition.

Words and images on a computer screen are created by combinations of tiny points of light (pixels), which are brightest at the center and diminish in intensity toward their edges. This makes it difficult for our eyes to maintain focus on them. Instead, our eyes want to drift to a reduced level of focusing called the “resting point of accommodation” or RPA.

Our eyes involuntarily move to the RPA and then strain to regain focus on the screen. This continuous flexing of the eyes’ focusing muscles creates the fatigue and eye strain that commonly occur during and after computer use.

Symptoms Indicating Eye Strain:

  • fluctuating vision
  • tired eyes
  • dry eyes
  • headache and fatigue.

Other non-visual symptoms of computer vision syndrome include

  • neck, back and shoulder pain.

More Non Visual Symptoms

  • Unhealthy posture
  • Nearsightedness
  • Increased exposure to blue light

Prolonged usage of digital devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, increases your exposure to Harmful Blue Light, which can lead to eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and trouble sleeping.

Reduce your exposure with regular breaks and try using digital protection glasses.

Computer glasses eliminate the constant refocusing effort that your eyes go through when viewing the screen. Clinical studies have shown that having the correct prescription in computer eyeglasses increases productivity and accuracy.

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