Early Balding and Hair Loss

By | June 27, 2020

Early Balding and Hair Loss
Early Balding and Hair Loss

Early Balding and Hair Loss : With over 85% of people experiencing balding by the time they reach 50 years old, many people get paranoid about even the subtlest of hair fall. This article discusses hair loss in different stages of one’s life and getting scalp micropigmentation (SMP) as a treatment.

A little hair fall is normal in any stage of life but for those who are worried about going bald, even the most minor of hair fall can be worrisome. Are you losing hair normally? Or should more hair loss be expected in the near future? Should you set an appointment for a scalp micropigmentation treatment anytime soon?

Balding and hair loss happens to everyone – it doesn’t discriminate. People’s experience with balding only differs in terms of when and how it happens.

Early hair loss doesn’t occur in women as much as it does in men, though. Only 50% of women experience some sort of balding before their senior years compared to the 85% who do. Male pattern baldness can occur at any age, even during your teenage years!

Because balding is so common among men, it’s not surprising that even men in their early 20s seek solutions to this problem – from affordable over the counter medication to expensive surgical treatments.


Micropigmentation is one solution to balding that is often overlooked. Although it does not actually treat the scalp, prevent the loss of hair follicles, or even encourage hair growth, it instantly treats debilitating self-image issues caused hair loss.

Getting Scalp Micropigmentation at the Different Stages of Hair Loss

SMP is also known as the hair tattoo. It’s a cosmetic treatment with a procedure that’s similar that of getting a tattoo. A trained professional creates hair follicle-like markings on your head to simulate the look of hair. On a bald head, a micropigmentation session would give one a close buzz-cut look. It works on a thinning head of hair by giving it the illusion of fullness and density.

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Because this procedure deals with pigment, people can choose whatever shade they want to have tattooed onto their heads. One can play it safe and match their original hair color, or go crazy and get fun colors just for the heck of it.

It is a permanent solution, but any SMP work done can be touched up and adjusted. It can even be removed through correctional procedures or laser tattoo removal treatments. This makes getting an SMP procedure possible at any stage of one’s hair loss journey.

Hair Loss and Balding in Your Teenage Years

Experiencing hair loss during your teenage years is uncommon but it’s not impossible, too. The sad reality is that you can experience hair loss and balding as early as 15 years old. This is usually a gradual transformation that begins with a receding hairline or hair thinning.

One’s self-esteem is most vulnerable during their teenage years. This is the age of bullies and becoming more aware of one’s body. So it can be particularly difficult to experience hair loss at this time.

The good news is that treating hair loss in your youth, while it’s still early, can give you more chance of recovering and getting your hair thickness back. That said, this isn’t exactly the best time to get SMP as there’s still hope of improving your hair loss situation.

Hair Loss and Balding in Your 20s

Most of those who suffer from male pattern baldness start to notice that they’re balding when they reach their mid-twenties. Statistics show that by the age of 20, 20% of men already experience some visible hair loss.

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This is yet another difficult time to experience hair loss as this is usually the stage where people start networking – meeting new people and building their social circle. If you’re comfortable with the idea of shaving your head completely to go full on bald, that’s great! However, others find it difficult to embrace and adjust to this new reality of theirs.

Like in your teenage years, youth is still on your side. You can try various hair growth products and treatments to help improve your thinning hair or at least prevent more significant hair fall from happening. The earlier you take action, the more chances you have at preserving your hair.

But because hair growth treatments can take a while to take effect, getting a scalp micropigmentation at this stage is totally fine. It isn’t exactly a cheap treatment, though. In fact, it can be quite expensive for someone in their 20s just starting out at work. However, if it allows you to be confident as you build your networks, it will be worth it.

Your 20s is also a good time to get the treatment because you’re less likely to need medication that may cause blood thinning. This means that you’re less likely to bleed excessively during the procedure.

Hair Loss and Balding After You Hit 30

By the age of 30, 25% of men experience visible hair loss. This percentage doubles at 50% at the age of 50. As hair loss becomes more and more apparent at this stage, this is usually when intense and more serious treatments begin. Treating hair loss can be more expensive at this stage because it’s harder to grow or thicken the hair. Over the counter treatments may have an effect but most of these treatments and medications would have only minimal effects.

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Surgical treatments like hair transplants are very common at this stage. People are willing and able to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars towards invasive surgeries that don’t really guarantee hair growth. SMP can be used in conjunction with this treatment to cover up the scars it leaves. But an SMP is also a popular treatment on its own at this stage.

Unlike other treatments that aren’t guaranteed to work, SMP gives instant results – giving balding men the illusion of hair despite the increasing number of bald patches on their heads.

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Early Balding and Hair Loss

losing hair at 25 female, illnesses that cause hair loss, hair loss treatment, hair loss at 20 female, hair loss front of head female, causes of hair loss in women, hair thinning at crown female, how to stop my hair from falling out and thinning, what is scalp micropigmentation, scalp micropigmentation side effects, scalp micropigmentation regrets, scalp micropigmentation disadvantages, scalp micropigmentation aftercare, scalp micropigmentation for thinning hair,

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