Fitness Model Venessa Nieto Talks About Her Incredible Transformation

By | July 24, 2019
Venessa Nieto

Venessa Nieto is a popular fitness model born and raised in Southern California, USA. Boasting a curvy, lean, and fit figure, Venessa is an inspiration for a large number of her followers. However, Venessa wasn’t always the fit and healthy shape she’s famed for.

Growing up, Venessa was extremely ‘skinny,’ saying; “I was always the skinniest person in high school. I was made fun of all through grade school for being little and could never figure out how to gain weight.” Venessa tried various methods to gain weight, from drinking ‘gainer’ shakes, to trying at-home workouts. However, nothing she’d tried worked.

It wasn’t until Venessa stepped into the gym when her physique, and life, finally began to change for the better. After years of weightlifting, Venessa gained over 30 pounds of lean muscle on her frame.

Ever since then, she’s become famous for her awesome figure and enviable discipline in the gym. As Venessa says; “I’m now 120lb and hoping to continue to grow because of my weight training. It’s so fun to create something out of nothing and I love helping others do the same.”

Women Fitness President, Namita Nayyar, talks to the social media influencer & celebrity fitness trainer about her passion for fitness.
Namita Nayyar:

Today in 2019 you are the official First Lady and Face of the Alliance Entertainment Group, spokes model and Brand Ambassador & Celebrity Fitness Trainer. Becoming a fitness model must have taken a lot of hard work and determination. Tell us about your journey towards fitness? 

Venessa Nieto:

My journey towards fitness started around the age of 20 where I had to face many traumatic issues in my life. On top of these issues I was dealing with, I was extremely unhappy with my body. I think that we all go through hard times at some point in our life but how we choose to deal with them will determine our success for the future. I took these battles and used them as fuel to my fitness journey. Fitness helped me become stronger mentally and physically. This became a addiction for me as the more I worked on my body, the better my overall life became with my career, relationships and health. 

Venessa Nieto
Namita Nayyar:

You had once said, “I was always the skinniest person in high school. I was made fun of all through grade school for being little and could never figure out how to gain weight” and go on to gain over 30 pounds of lean muscle. How did your transformation take place? How long and number of hours of training help you achieve this goal?

Venessa Nieto:

Going into my journey I never tracked any of my weight or time spent in the gym constantly looked for results. Someone told me if I stuck to the plan it would work so that’s what I did. Since I made that decision I had to put it in my head that was my new lifestyle. That was the ultimate thing that got me to my goal was knowing in my head I strongly believed I could gain the weight. Once you believe you can do it, you will. Hang out with others who are looking for similar goals, create a routine and stick to it. 

Full Interview Continued On Next Page

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