Is Kellogg’s All-Bran Cereal Good for you?

By | April 19, 2021
eating All-Bran

Kellogg’s has been accompanying family meals for more than a century. Although originating in the US, Kellogg’s All-Bran cereal is now a regular guest in the UK homes as the ultimate on-the-go, yet wholesome breakfast for busy mornings.

But are cereals and ready-made breakfasts like All-Bran actually a healthy source of nutrition?

 Although packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals, the higher sugar content in most cereal brands imposes a concern about whether the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

We’ve scrutinized Kellogg’s All-Bran cereal to help you understand its true nutritional value and whether it’s actually good for you.

Kellogg’s All-Bran – Ingredients

While there are several flavoured options on the market, the original all bran Kellogg’s cereal mostly consists of wheat bran (87%) which is the main base for this product. Other primary ingredients include:

  • Barley malt extract
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Vitamins and minerals

Wheat bran is rich in fibre and a go-to food for breakfast as it digests gradually and slowly, thus keeping the sense of fullness much longer than fast-burning nutrients such as carbs, for instance.

Kellogg’s all-bran is packed with minerals, vitamins, such as vitamin D, B12, B6, B2, Iron, Folic acid, Niacin, etc., all essential for a strong immune system and proper nutrition.

Barley malt extract is added for sweetness and a fuller flavour, regularly found in cereal meals.

Other popular options in the UK are the Golden Crunch and the Fibre Crunch Berry Burst which are more flavoursome and boosted with addings like dried fruit (raspberry, blueberry, etc.), flour, and skimmed milk to make the cereal richer and more wholesome.

Some products like Kellogg’s All-Bran Wheat Flakes contain natural flavouring such as almond milk, honey, etc. for those who have a sweet tooth and look for unique options.

All-Bran nutritional information

For reference purposes, the nutritional value of All-Bran will be examined here for a ⅔ cup (around 41g) of the cereal, based on the smartlabel estimation of the nutritional composition of the product.

Carbs in All-Bran

For an average all-bran breakfast (around 40g of cereal) your carb intake comes to around 32g which mostly consists of bran and added sugar for flavour. This comes to at least 14% of the daily carb intake and is just what your body needs for a kick-off morning meal.

Bran falls under the ‘’slow’’ carb category, meaning that it burns off gradually, causing a slow and steady rise in blood sugar levels.

Slow carbohydrates combined with fibre and protein are a perfect combination for a healthy breakfast, improving digestion and boosting energy levels much needed in the morning, to prepare the body for the rest of the day.

How much sugar is in All-Bran?

A portion of All-Bran contains around 8g of sugar (not including milk). Compared to similar brands, Kellog’s scores pretty high when it comes to sugar content, especially with flavoured editions.

Unlike bran, sugar is categorized as a ‘’fast’’ carb, meaning it burns off quickly, creating a fast growth and then a dramatic fall in blood sugar levels. Ever wondered why you feel hungry so quickly after a hearty breakfast? It’s probably because it is mostly packed in refined sugar that isn’t fulfilling enough for a first meal in the day.

Fast carbs are not recommended in the morning and that’s why they should be fully avoided, or combined with more nourishing nutrients like fibre, protein, and fat.

According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recently published guidelines, to maintain a healthy weight and avoid dental issues, an average adult that consumes around 2000 kcal/day should use between 5 to 10 teaspoons of free sugar (added or found in processed foods) per day. If we convert these numbers to the cereal, a typical portion of All-Bran contains around 2 teaspoons of sugar, given that a standard teaspoon can take around 4 g.


According to a study on wheat bran protein structure, it contains roughly 15.5% of protein and is a valuable source of essential amino acids.

Bran-based products like Kellogg’s All-Bran are a solid source of dietary protein, containing around 5g per serving.

Different flavours like the All-Bran Fibre Crunch Berry Burst contain 3.5 g of protein per serving of 45 g, almost the same as Golden Crunch with 3.4 g per serving. Combined with good carbs and fibre, protein is an essential nutrient in a healthy breakfast as it keeps us fuller for a long time.


Whole grains are famous for the irreplaceable richness in fibre, which is the main component of this cereal. According to Kellog’s nutrition value chart, the original All-Bran contains around 12g of dietary fibre per 40g serving, which is almost half the daily intake recommendation amount (44%).

Calories in All-Bran

Although it is mostly carb and fibre, a single serving of All-Bran cereal of around 40 g will boost you with only 120 kcal. If we add ¾ cup of skimmed milk, your entire breakfast can come to around 150 kcal.

While the calorie intake is relatively low, don’t be fast to double your portions as it’s important to follow the nutritional value, so rather consider enriching your breakfast with other foods as well.

All-Bran Health Benefits

Numerous research suggests that whole-grain foods like bran bring an array of advantages for our health and wellbeing. Since it’s based on wheat bran, All-Bran is one of the great sources of this ingredient and a balanced combination of all the necessary nutrients like fibre, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

Regular consumption of bran can lead to numerous benefits:

  • Antioxidant effect
  • Improved digestion and fighting constipation
  • Boosted weight loss and calorie burn
  • Inhibiting cardiovascular disease
  • Lower chances of diabetes
  • Positive effect on cancer prevention
  • Boosting energy levels
  • Improving metabolism

The positive impact of the nourishing minerals and vitamins, such as iron, vitamin D, vitamin C, Folic acid also makes this cereal beneficial for health.

B vitamins prominent in All-Bran have been connected to improved cognitive performance and one study found a link between vitamin B12 consumption and improved health in Alzheimer’s patients and other cognitive impairments. More research suggests a possible correlation between vitamin B12 and neurologically-related chronic disease prevention and even treatment.


Is Kellogg’s All-Bran gluten-free?

Since it is based on wheat, All-Bran is NOT gluten-free. This information is open to consumers since the label clearly indicates all the ingredients, including the wheat as a potential allergen.

Is All-Bran fattening?

As previously explained, an average portion of All-Bran and skimmed milk contains roughly 150 kcal. Given that an average-size breakfast usually contains around 300 – 350 kcal, All-Bran won’t contribute to significant weight gain, of course depending on the portion size. On the other hand, whole grain foods are rich in carbs, the main weight-gain culprit among the nutrients, so careful and dosed consumption is key for keeping All-Bran on the list of non-fattening meals.

Is All-Bran good for weight loss?

The rich content of fibre and slow-burning carbs is ideal for improved digestion, boosted metabolism, and prolonged feeling of fullness. Moderate consumption of All-Bran and similar cereals may contribute to quicker weight loss and healthy eating habits.

Is All-Bran whole grain?

Yes! Kellogg’s mentions that their All-Bran cereals are made of whole grain, which means they come with all the amazing benefits of whole-grain foods.

Can I eat All-Bran on a low-carb diet?

Compared to other breakfast options, it’s not the best way to start your day with bran cereal if you’re on a low-carb diet, given that an average portion (50 g) contains 39 g of carbs. Keep in mind that low-carb diets mostly limit the carbohydrate intake to 20 -57 g per day, which means a small portion of All-Bran breakfast will take up more than 68% of your daily carb consumption.

That said, All-Bran products are still rated as low-carb cereal, compared to similar options, and high in fibre which is great for weight loss and carbohydrate intake control.

So to answer the question – yes, but with highly controlled amounts and maybe limited to occasional consumption.

Final thoughts – Is All-Bran cereal good or bad for you?

Taking into account the ratio between all the beneficial and harmful nutrients in All-Bran cereal, it’s safe to conclude it can be a good choice for a healthy breakfast if dosed and consumed properly.

The only controversial nutrient seems to be sugar, but it all depends on the portion sizes you limit yourself to. Taking into account the daily sugar intake recommendations, All-Bran is probably not the best option for those who seek low-sugar cereal.

Nevertheless, the high-fibre, mineral, and vitamin-packed composition, combined with the ‘good’ carbs make this cereal a product worth (carefully) incorporating into your breakfast routine.

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