Pop Warner Bans Low Stance For Young

By | March 3, 2019

FRIDAY, March 1, 2019 (HealthDay News) The traditional three-point stance has been banned in the youngest divisions of the Pop Warner youth football league.

The new policy takes effect in the 2019 season and affects Tiny Mite (5 to 7), Mitey Mite (7 to 9) and Junior Pee Wee (8 to 10). This is the first national football organization to eliminate the three-point stance, CNN reported.

Players in those divisions will no longer place their hands on the ground when they line up for the ball snap. This stance is being banned because it lowers players’ heads, putting them at greater risk for head injury.

When players line up for the snap, they’ll have to be upright or in a squat position with their hands on their legs, CNN reported.

Pop Warner plans to eventually ban the three-point stance in all its divisions, but there is no firm date on that.

Pop Warner will also eliminate the kickoff in its Pee Wee (9 to 11) division in the upcoming season, after banning it in the three youngest divisions in 2016. After a score or when starting a half, the ball is placed at the 35 yard line, CNN reported.

There is a risk of head injury during kickoff because players run and tackle at particularly high speeds.

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