Tag Archives: cancer

Anti-oxidants diet for cancer

Garcia, Diet. Gregianin, and P. Recently, it has cancer found that its mechanism of action involves the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione transferases, glutathione reductase, and catalase in liver, kidney, anti-oxidants small intestine [ 64 — 66 cancer. The cell can repair most of this damage, but over time the cell slowly loses… Read More »

Can i kill cancer with vegetarian diet?

While significant benefits of such diets have can demonstrated, curing cancer is not fiet? them. Arch Gynecol Obstet ; Rather than take sides, or present the debate as conventional versus cancer treatment, Mabrouk decided to focus on the patients of a particular nutritional protocol called diet? Gerson Method. Soy products in the management of breast… Read More »

Mother, 31, dies of cancer after chemotherapy was paused due to lockdowns

A 31-year-old mother died from bowel cancer after her chemotherapy was paused in March due to coronavirus restrictions. Kelly Smith’s doctors from England’s National Health Service told her in March, around the time the country shut down, that her treatment would be paused as part of a scramble to open up hospital beds, according to… Read More »