Tag Archives: health

The Health Risks of Excessive Earwax

By Dr. Mercola Earwax, technically known as cerumen, is produced by glands inside your ear canal. It may be a gray, orange or yellow waxy substance, and is designed to protect, clean and lubricate the ear canal. It also provides protection against insects, water and bacteria. The wax consists of dead skin cells, hair and… Read More »

Mobile health app boosts HCAHPS scores, lowers costs at South Shore Health System

Boston’s South Shore Health System was facing some challenges with five affiliated OB/GYN physician groups across 40 referring physicians: patient confusion, missed revenue, and negatively impacted Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems scores. To overcome these challenges, South Shore built a smartphone app. Using “app-as-a-service” technology and specialized blueprints, the hospital developed a mobile… Read More »