Author Archives: Health

Armchair Psychology Can Be Dangerous

Armchair psychology is not the same as a person who is a professional clinician diagnosing a person with mental health issues. When you are participating in armchair psychology, you are speculating as to what a person struggles with and how you can help them. For example, somebody might think that their brother or partner is… Read More »

Pfizer’s keys to juggling 8 U.S. launches? Organization, accountability, clear goals

Think you’re busy? Take a look at Pfizer’s commercial team for oncology, which is currently launching four new drugs, three new indications for older drugs, and a biosimilar. And that’s just in the U.S. It’s taken some serious internal organizing on Pfizer’s part, but so far managing the multiple rollouts has been “done very well,”… Read More »

Dad’s fingers lost in industrial blender accident, replaced with toes

Father gets fingers replaced with toes after losing them in industrial blender accident Medical Mysteries and Marvels: Jeremy Payton was the victim of a horrible industrial accident that left him without the fingers on his right hand. Years later, he heard about an operation in which surgeons could replace some of his fingers with his… Read More »

Nutrition And Vitamin Chart

Do you often question if you are putting the proper foods in your body? Well let me tell you, it’s not just you. The typical American diet exceeds the recommended intake in the following categories: added sugars, refined grains, sodium, and saturated fat. Therefore, we are lacking nutrition overall. So what’s the solution? The common… Read More »