Heart Surgeries Aside from Bypass Surgery

By | September 3, 2018

Heart issues bring about many different types of surgeries and needing a surgery is very hard to accept. The good news is the medical field has come a long way in the ability to effectively compete an open heart surgery with hospital time being only a week in some instances. The surgeon will assess you to see what your symptoms are and the complete a series of tests to try to determine which option is right for you. There are different types of surgery and your doctor needs to assess you well to find the right surgery that will treat you.

Heart surgery is a surgery that is done to clear any blocked artery in your heart that hinders the normal flow of blood in your heart. There will be a replacement of artery or vein. The new vein or artery will usually be taken from your lower extremities. During the procedure the patient will be at sleep, there will be a machine that will substitute the work of the heart.

Another type of surgery is known as CABG or coronary artery bypass graft. This is surgery is actually common and this is the type of surgery that is usually done. This is done to treat patients with CAD. This is when there is an accumulation of fat in an area of the artery that causes block eventually. Well, the plaque doesn’t grow in an instant. At first the plaque will not cause any problem but as time goes by, it will grow which will eventually hinder the blood flow. This is why CABG is usually done on an emergency basis because people will only have themselves checked once symptoms are present. And sometimes the plaque is big enough that it couldn’t be treated by medications alone. Surgery has to be done.

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Last would be heart transplant. This is usually done for patients who have a weak heart and the chances of survival with the rest of the surgery are very low. This is also done when the heart could no longer be saved by bypass surgery. And when bypass surgery risk is so intense that it could lead to death instead of recovery. Although, this is not usually recommended because finding a heart donor would be hard but if you are left with no choice then this could be your last ticket to surviving.

This is the reason why thorough assessment is done as much as possible because all of the surgery involves a lot of risk. And you need to settle for the best treatment that will help you improve your current state. 

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