In Need of an Accutane Attorney?

By | February 8, 2018

The jury has decided: Accutane is dangerous. That’s why the company quit selling it back in 2009. But too little too late, as scores of people have already used the product for long periods of time. Are you one of them? If you are and you think you’ve suffered some physical defect as a result of Accutane usage, then you just might have a case. Here’s what you need to do—find an experienced Accutane attorney immediately.

Where it all began

Back in 2007, a young man named Andrew McCarrell from Alabama took the makers of Accutane to court with the help of an Accutane attorney. Why? Well after prolonged usage of the drug, he had developed an inflammatory bowel disorder. And the company had failed to warn the public of the drug’s possible side effects.

The man won the case, only to have it overturned by an appeals court. However, it didn’t stop there. During a retrial, Mr. McCarrell won big—to the tune of fifty-six million dollars. This didn’t even include the money he was awarded to cover his past medical expenses.

Accutane has caused lots of health issues

Unfortunately, millions of people have used Accutane up to this point. And along the way, it’s been causing them all sorts of problems. A few of the more serious medical issues include:

• Chrons Disease
• Pancreatitis
• Hypertension
• Hepatitis

There is also a seemingly endless list of less serious, but troublesome side effects. These annoying issues are:

• Blurred night vision
• Nose bleeds
• Hair loss
• Depression
• Back pain
• Itching
• And more

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The rap sheet is long and the evidence is clear—Accutane spells bad news for anyone who touches it.

What should you do if you’ve taken Accutane?

There’s no doubt—if you’ve ever taken Accutane, you could be in serious danger. If you think you have symptoms of any of the related-issues listed above, you need to act fast. And acting fast means two things: you need to see a doctor and you need to find you an aggressive Accutane attorney.

Seeing a doctor quickly is important for two main reasons. First of all, your health is at risk. In fact, your life could be at risk. The problems Accutane can cause are no laughing matter. And secondly, you need a complete physician’s report to show your lawyer. The doctor’s analysis will be instrumental in forming your case.

You also need to find a good Accutane lawyer. You sure aren’t going to obtain a settlement on your own. And even if you could somehow, you certainly won’t get a fair one. So you need a lawyer who has experience going after makers of dangerous pharmaceuticals. A lawyer who has experienced success in this particular field will best set you up for victory.

Where can you find the right Accutane attorney? Well your best bet is to begin your search on the Internet. Using a search engine you should be able to find plenty of local lawyer options. So get moving and go search for an Accutane attorney now!

Learn more about accutane lawsuit and oklahoma city personal injury attorney visit us at:

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