Breakdown of brain’s autopilot mode may explain Parkinson’s disease

We make mistakes when we don’t concentrate – but people with Parkinson’s can avoid those errorsDavid Harrigan/Getty By Clare Wilson People with Parkinson’s disease are less likely to make certain kinds of mistakes – those that happen when we are “on autopilot”. The surprising finding helps support a new theory about the condition’s root causes… Read More »

Medical News Today: Do cancer treatments accelerate brain aging?

Cancer treatments can work, but the same factors that help them eradicate tumors may also accelerate aging processes in the body — especially the brain. New research explores. Breast cancer treatments leave their mark on the brain years after completion, a new study suggests. Previously on Medical News Today, we covered a study explaining that… Read More »

35 kidney genes linked to chronic kidney disease risk

An international study lead by University of Manchester scientists has discovered the identity of genes that predispose people to chronic kidney disease. The discovery is a major advance in understanding of the significantly under-diagnosed disorder which, if left undetected, can lead to failing kidneys that need dialysis or kidney transplantation. The discovery of 35 kidney… Read More »