Tag Archives: Abortion

Ohio lawmakers fail to override John Kasich veto of abortion 'heartbeat bill'

The Ohio legislature has failed to override a veto by Republican Gov. John Kasich of legislation that would have banned abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. The legislature convened in a rare post-Christmas session Thursday to try to override the veto of the legislation, which has been dubbed the “heartbeat bill.” The House… Read More »

Abortion and Amnesty – The Hypocrisy Twins Posted By : Rev Michael Bresciani

It doesn’t take a voluminous theological treatise, a long list of scripture references, an introduction, three points, accompanying illustrations and a conclusion to say all that needs to be said on this subject. All it takes is just a few words spoken by Christ. Jesus said “Take heed that ye despise not one of these… Read More »

What Are the Side Effects of Abortion?

Abortion is a process that women do not like to undergo. However, due to certain circumstances women have to undergo abortion. The point to remember here is that abortion should only be a last resort as there are a number of side effects to it. An abortion can prove to be quite a devastating and… Read More »