Stephen Snyder-Hill, author, activist, retired Army major, dietitian, Columbus, OH.
Ohio Department of Public Safety: “Closing Report, Governor’s Working Group on Reviewing of the Medical Board’s Handling of the Investigation Involving Richard Strauss,” “Working Group on Reviewing of the Medical Board’s Handling of the Investigation Involving Richard Strauss Delivers Closing Report.”
Ryan Christopher Mast, DO, assistant professor of psychiatry and child & adolescent fellowship training director, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.
Rachel Mack, spokesperson, American College Health Association, Silver Spring, MD.
W. Scott Lewis, JD, co-founder and board member, Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA), King of Prussia, PA.
Nancy Hogshead-Makar, Olympic gold medalist, attorney, and CEO of ChampionWomen.org, Jacksonville, FL.
Stacey Osburn, spokesperson, National Collegiate Athletic Association.
The New York Times: “Michigan State’s $ 500 million for Nassar Victims Dwarfs Other Settlements,” “Penn State to Pay Nearly $ 60 Million to 26 Sexual Abuse Victims.”
USC Student Health Center Litigation Settlement.
The Ohio State University Office of University Compliance and Integrity: “Report of the Independent Investigation: Sexual Abuse Committed by Dr. Richard Strauss.”
Los Angeles Times: “USC to pay $ 1.1 billion to settle decades of sex abuse claims against gynecologist.”
Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience: “Psychotherapy with Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Assault.”