Weekly Roundup for JUNE 12, 2020: Recent Publications in Women’s Mental Health

By | June 14, 2020

Trajectories of Insomnia Symptoms and Associations with Mood and Anxiety from Early Pregnancy to the Postpartum.

Sedov ID, Tomfohr-Madsen LM. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 2020.

Three trajectory groups were identified. A no insomnia group (42.3%) in which women reported consistently low insomnia symptoms. A subclinical insomnia group (44.3%) in which women reported subclinical symptoms which briefly elevated to clinical levels in late-pregnancy, and a clinical insomnia group (13.4%) in which women reported consistently elevated insomnia symptoms.  Women in the clinical insomnia group were more likely to also endorse anxiety and depression. Membership in the clinical insomnia group was associated with higher postpartum generalized anxiety and depressive symptoms. 

Baby preparation and worry scale (Baby-PAWS): Instrument development and psychometric evaluation.

Erickson NL, Neumann AA, Hancock GR, Gartstein MA.  Early Hum Dev. 2020 May 22;147:105080. 

Baby PAWS identified three distinct domains: Self and Partner Worry, Non-parental Childcare Worry, and Baby Caregiving Worry, based on item content.  Higher Baby-PAWS scores were associated with greater anxiety and depression in the third trimester. Predictive links with postpartum anxiety/depression symptoms and infant temperament were observed for the overall Baby-PAWS score and Self and Partner Worry factor. 

The impact of intimate partner violence on the trajectory of perinatal depression: a cohort study in a Chinese sample.

Hou F, Zhang X, Cerulli C, He W, Mo Y, Gong W.  Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2020 Jun 2.

90 participants (11.07%) reported IPV experience in the past 12 months. Victims reported more severe perinatal depressive symptoms and slower decreasing slope of trajectories. The perinatal depression trajectory was modulated by IPV experience (OR = 3.78), social supports (OR = 0.93), positive coping strategies (OR = 0.85), negative coping strategies (OR = 1.25).

The risk of eating disorder relapse during pregnancy and after delivery and postpartum depression among women recovered from eating disorders.

Makino M, Yasushi M, Tsutsui S.  BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 May 27;20(1):323.  Free article.

Sixteen participants (67%) experienced eating disorder (ED) relapse during pregnancy and twelve (50%) relapsed after birth. Twelve (50%) had postpartum depression, four of whom (33%) had low-birth-weight infants. Among the participants who did not have postpartum depression, there were no low-body-weight infants. 

Adversity in childhood and depression in pregnancy.

Wajid A, van Zanten SV, Mughal MK, Biringer A, Austin MP, Vermeyden L, Kingston D.  Arch Womens Ment Health. 2020 Apr;23(2):169-180.

A 2.5-fold increase in the odds of prenatal depression was observed in women with an ACEs score of ? 4. When examining the overall ACE score, lack of social support during pregnancy [AOR = 4.16; 95%CI (2.10-10.35)] and partner’s relationship [AOR = 2.23; 95%CI (1.12-4.44)] were associated with prenatal depression.

MGH Center for Women's Mental Health