weight loss

By | April 11, 2018

I want to introduce you to a powerful tenet which gives rise to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve with your body is not external, yet contained within your mind. The key to losing weight is determined by how you attach meaning to it – the thoughts and emotions associated with it. Weight loss implies removing something unwanted or undesirable i.e. excess body fat. What if we re-framed it in our minds as an expression which affirms the following instead; allowing our body to return or ‘be’ in its natural state of health and wellbeing. How would that allow us to feel from an emotional level?

You see the term weight loss has a resistance to it, much like ‘rally against war.’ I stand for peace is much more harmonious and in tune with higher states of consciousness. Weight loss implies you haven’t achieved it yet, it is outside of your consciousness and a challenge to achieve. Your natural state of health and wellbeing is a body weight that is normal to you. You don’t need diets, pills, formulas and whatever else the media is selling you to lose weight.

Fact 1: The power of drug companies has grown exponentially. They now fund about two-thirds of clinical studies and medical journals have increasingly become marketing devices for new products and diagnoses.

Fact 2: Studies by industry are subtly funded to give positive results. The same research will be published again and again in different journals, with minor variations, to give the impression of a unanimous acceptance and weight of evidence.

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So what can you do to change the relationship and conversation you have with yourself around body weight issues?

1. Throw away all your dieting books NOW.
2. There is no problem, just an imbalance in one’s thoughts and emotions.
3. Go within to discover the cause of your current weight issues. Is there an outdated belief, thought or emotion which is holding you back? If so, when did it start? Go within and take a introspective journey to discover the cause. We often attach meaning to things which no longer serve us.
4. Be grateful that you live in a Western world and have access to food. Approximately 3 billion people live below $ 2.50 a day, which is considered the poverty line.
5. Re-frame how you approach weight loss in your mind and your body will follow.
6. Appreciate your body right now, regardless of shape, size, colour, height, weight. If you dislike or hate your body, you’re sending subconscious messages to every cell in your body to work against you, not in harmony with you. Why would your body want you to lose weight when you’re telling it I hate you, I don’t like what I see in the mirror?
7. Develop a relationship with your body as mentioned in previous article.

A well known author versed in the area of mind body medicine states the following about weight loss: “Health is not an event. It is a process. It is not a rock, but rather a river. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can address systematic problems, but involve a change in life-process day after day. Weight loss isn’t going on a diet (an event), or being twenty pounds lighter (an event). Weight loss is what I eat and how I exercise today and always (a process).

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The more you come from a place of non-resistance, the more your body recognises your willingness to grow and expand toward health and wellbeing. Remember this for it will serve you well – your health and wellbeing is a journey, never a destination. It is more about WHO you become, more than WHAT you become. It is for this reason I affirm health, wellbeing and healing is more about awakening your authentic self, using personal development, self awareness and spirituality. With these tools in hand, you become someone worthy of living a rich, health and prosperous life; without having to fall back to their former self.

Tony Fahkry is an expert in integrating the mind-body connection with health & healing, personal development and self awareness to achieve greater human potential. I do this by drawing awareness to self, removing limitations and obstacles which restrict personal growth and development.

My program Awaken Your Authentic Self trains people how to reclaim their mental and physical well being. Based on three fundamental principles I have found essential for achieving radiant health to healing from disease and illness. Following these principles in their daily lives people see a powerful shift from fatigue, unhappiness, stress, depressed mood to feelings of vitality, a renewed sense of life purpose and the energy to make it happen. Visit my blog at http://tonyfahkry.tumblr.com for additional resources.
