What Are Some of the Common Procedures Cosmetic Dentists Perform?

By | September 5, 2018

If you are someone who has always been a little bit uncomfortable with your teeth and smile, why not consider seeing a cosmetic dentist? Tens of thousands of people each year who are unhappy with their teeth go to cosmetic dentists and are absolutely thrilled with the results.

A cosmetic dentist has the skills, training and expertise to perform a number of different procedures. Each of these procedures will be able to fix your teeth and give you that bright and shiny smile that you have been looking for.

But what are some of the services that a cosmetic dentist can actually do?

Teeth Whitening

Many people are embarrassed by their yellowing teeth. From years of drinking coffee or smoking, teeth go from the bright white of our youth to a dull color, and that can leave you uncomfortable around other people.

A cosmetic dentist can solve that problem. They will have a high quality teeth whitening system available for you to use that will get your smile back competing with those Los Angeles movie stars in no time.


For those who have badly misshapen teeth and a lot of staining that want a really dramatic difference, consider veneers. With this process, your teeth will be buffed down and a very thin porcelain layer is then cemented over your existing teeth to provide a beautiful shape and color.

It is quite popular in Hollywood because of the stunning results. If you are interested in this process, find a high quality Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist who is skilled at preparing your teeth and applying the veneers because it takes quite a few visits. But, the results are amazing!


If you want the look of veneers, but are afraid of the costs or the time commitment involved with them, consider lumineers. Essentially, lumineers will give you much of the same look as veneers, but are much less invasive.

While veneers cause your teeth to be shaved down to fit, lumineers just fit right over your existing teeth, still giving you amazing results but they are also completely reversible.


If you are someone who has always had crooked teeth, but now as an adult, are afraid to go through the process of having braces put on, Invisalign might be the perfect solution for you.

A cosmetic dentist will be able to provide you with Invisalign in order to straighten your teeth, but not have to worry about everyone noticing at the same time! Through a series of visits and aligners, you could have a perfect smile with nice straight teeth in as little as nine months!

As you can see, a high quality cosmetic dentist is going to be able to work wonders for you. If you are someone who has ever been embarrassed by their smile, or uncomfortable showing their teeth in public, then why not see a cosmetic dentist? A cosmetic dentist will be able to get your teeth and smile glowing in only a few visits, giving you a huge boost in confidence.

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