Author Archives: Health

Obama Alums Tell Health Insurance Lobby “Medicare For All” Won’t Happen –

This story was produced in conjunction with, a Philadelphia-based investigative news site. A decade after the nation’s biggest health insurance lobby spent more than $ 100 million on a campaign to defeat President Barack Obama’s signature health care reform law, Obama’s former top strategist told the organization’s executives that “Medicare for All” likely won’t… Read More »

A Rose by Another Name

Medical Practice Jun 21, 2019• By SAURABH JHA, MD Can we reduce over diagnosis by re-naming disease to less anxiety-provoking makes? For example, if we call a 4.1 cm ascending aorta “ecstasia” instead of “aneurysm” will there be less over-treatment? In this episode of Radiology Firing Line Podcast, Saurabh Jha (aka @RogueRad) discusses over diagnosis… Read More »

Vaccine Basics

Vaccines play an important role in keeping us healthy. They protect us from serious and sometimes deadly diseases — like haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and measles. It’s normal to have questions about vaccines. works with scientists and doctors to answer your questions and provide the information you need to get vaccinated. In this… Read More »