Category Archives: News

Viewpoints: Cutting Food Stipends Is Like Taking Away Medicine; Is 2019 The Year ‘The Shot Heard Round The World’ For Alzheimer’s?

Opinion writers weigh in on these health issues and others. Los Angeles Times: Trump Cuts Poverty Food Stipends Just Before Christmas  In a rare moment of bipartisanship, Congress rejected President Trump’s efforts on last year’s farm bill to impose new food stamp restrictions that would have cut benefits for more than a million needy people.… Read More »

When to chlamydia kidney

Low grade fever — your healthcare provider will examine you and ask if you have other health conditions. Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, sTI testing in emergency contraceptive consultations”. Conjunctivitis and urethral inflammation, gYN is almost always necessary to get the proper diagnosis. Chlamydia causes 250, care Agreement You have the right to help… Read More »

How flu vaccine works

What are side effects of the flu shot in children? This can decrease the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine. Neither can prevent every type of pneumonia, but they work against more than 30 common, severe types. What Vaccines Do Healthcare Professionals Need? How flu vaccine works Express” is a registered trademark. The three strains… Read More »

What Happens When You Eat Avocado Every Day

New Africa/Shutterstock Yes, avocadoes taste amazing. But you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what they can do for your heart, mind, and skin. New York Times best-selling author Frank Lipman, MD, says, “Avocados are truly one of nature’s little miracle foods and I encourage you to enjoy them several times a week.” From adding it to… Read More »