Category Archives: News

Top 7 Kitchen Essentials

30 Tips in 30 Days Designed to Help You Take Control of Your Health This article is included in Dr. Mercola’s All-Time Top 30 Health Tips series. Every day during the month of January, a new tip will be added that will help you take control of your health. Want to see the full list?… Read More »

Student dies from leftover pasta

A student died after eating leftover pasta that had been left on his kitchen benchtop for five days. The 20-year-old from the Brussels in Belgium became sick after eating leftover spaghetti with tomato sauce which had been prepared five days earlier and stored at room temperature. After becoming violently ill, he went to bed to… Read More »

Grain Free Raw Vegan Granola

Tuesday, January 22, 2019 This granola is so good. I “cooked” it in my dehydrator at 115 degrees so technically it is still raw. You could cook it at a low temp in your oven if you like. It is completely grain free. Just nuts, seeds, dates, coconut, maca, lacuma, cinnamon and vanilla. I think… Read More »

If 'Roma' Hits The Wall, Expect Another Political Headache For The Oscars – Deadline

Alfonso Cuarón
 Is Roma about to hit The Wall? At the moment, it certainly looks that way, and a collision could mean yet another headache for the Oscars. With 10 Oscar nominations and an often-predictive Critics Choice award under its belt, Alfonso Cuaron’s Netflix drama about a housekeeper in Mexico City appears to be holding… Read More »