Category Archives: News

How to Find Your True Foundation Shade

by Ravi Patel How to Find Your True Foundation Shade The most difficult task when purchasing makeup is finding the suitable shade of foundation for your skin. Many of us even have different shades depending upon season to season. The struggle for finding the correct shade of foundation is not easy. We all know by… Read More »

Self-Improvement Lies In Challenging The Historical Image In Your Mindset

by Kate Silar Self-Improvement Lies In Challenging The Historical Image In Your Mindset The Ability To View Your Audience Wearing Pyjamas This has been a famous visualization technique to overcome the stage fright for years. If not centuries, considering the negligent fashion style today. Apparently, not everyone succeeds in applying this ‘imagination weapon’ in their… Read More »

Best 10 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

by Dr Vikram Chauhan Best 10 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the body when it comes into contact with a foreign substance. The hypersensitive response comes from the natural immune system and ranges from a slightly uncomfortable feeling to a fatal anaphylaxis. Seasonal allergies are quite common. They… Read More »