Category Archives: News

Ecological thoughtfulness is the winner

Two homes, one by the sea the other in the bush, but linked by their ability to capture the context of their respective surrounds, have been named joint-winners in the 2020 National Architecture Awards for best new house. The award, which is named after the late esteemed architect Robin Boyd, brought with it the gold-standard… Read More »

Age-related hearing loss

If a hearing healthcare professional diagnoses you with age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), you’re in good company. About one-third of adults between 65 and 70 have some degree of hearing loss, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. About half of all people 75 and older have hearing loss.  Why do we lose hearing… Read More »

Practicing Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani (viparita meaning “inverted,” and karani “in action.”) or legs up the Wall is an excellent yoga posture to stretch the hamstrings, relieves lower back tension and reduce swelling or cramps that may have built up from sitting or standing for extended periods. Steps to Perform Viparita Karani Sit with one hip next to… Read More »