Here’s Where You Can Donate To Help The #BlackLivesMatter Movement

By | June 2, 2020

We here at Sporteluxe stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We also stand in solidarity with the George Floyd protests going on in the United States. Police brutality has gone on for far too long. For the past week, mass protests have exploded in cities across America to protest the death of George Floyd. They are however shining a light on the issue of systemic racism in this country. Many people poured into cities across the to grieve and demonstrate. However, they are protesting their anger with the many issues in this nation.

Despite peaceful protests during the day, nightfall is when looters take the opportunity to destroy what is always non-violent. The New York Times said that “looting and vandalism took place in many cities, as did violent confrontations between law enforcement and the protesters. Videos of smoldering police vehicles in cities like Seattle and Philadelphia. They underscored the frustration and anger of fed-up communities. In Minneapolis, where Floyd died on Monday after he was pinned to the ground by police officer Derek Chauvin, more than 4,000 National Guard soldiers were called in to try to restore order during the fifth day of unrest.” However, the Minneapolis Police Department has not arrested all the officers involved in George Floyd’s murder. They also have even pushed the trial of Derek Chauvin back a week.

While all of this distress is causing many people to feel helpless, there are many places you can donate to. To help the fight against police violence, the cause of racial justice, and support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Here are a few ways that you can help.

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Where to Donate to for the Black Lives Matter Movement

  • Donate to a bail fund: These local organizations that help bail out protesters who get arrested. Thread here.
  • Support the National Police Accountability Project: This is a project of the National Lawyers Guild, which also helps people find legal counsel. More info here.
  • Support Campaign Zero, a police reform group that has been working on policy solutions “informed by data and human rights principles.” More info here.
  • Sign a petition: Civil rights group Color of Change launched a petition asking that all the officers involved in Floyd’s death are brought to justice. Find it here.
  • Or another petition: The “Justice for George Floyd” petition on already also has 8.5 million supporters. That sends a big message. Find it here.
  • Donate to Black Lives Matter: You can find the main donation page here.
  • Get involved with your local BLM chapter: The full list is here.
  • Call your local mayor’s office to protest unlawful policing in your city
  • Actively engage in using your voice and creating more opportunities for the black community

For more resources, please visit the official page of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement here
