Tag Archives: health

Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Insurance Enrollment Is Lagging — And There Are Lots Of Reasons Why

With less than a week to go before the deadline in most states, enrollment in health insurance for 2019 under the Affordable Care Act is lagging compared with the pace of previous years. That was expected, given last year’s tax law eliminated the tax penalty for not having coverage starting Jan. 1. But analysts say… Read More »

Stress from using electronic health records is linked to physician burnout

While electronic health records improve communication and access to patient data, researchers found that stress from using EHRs is associated with burnout, particularly for primary care doctors such as pediatricians, family medicine physicians and general internists. Common causes of EHR-related stress include too little time for documentation, time spent at home managing records and EHR… Read More »

Growth of Health Care Spending Slowed Last Year – The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The growth of national health spending, which surged as millions of Americans gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act, slowed last year, the Trump administration said on Thursday. Health spending in the United States totaled $ 3.5 trillion last year, up 3.9 percent from 2016, or about $ 10,740 a person. It accounted… Read More »

Health Tip: Before You Get Help for Stuttering

Home News Consumer News Health Tip: Before You Get Help for Stuttering Print this page — Different speech therapists have differing approaches for stuttering, so it’s important to evaluate your needs before choosing a therapist, the Stuttering Foundation says. Before starting treatment, the Foundation suggests asking therapist candidates these questions: How comfortable are you with… Read More »