Tag Archives: know

We’ve been using CRISPR for years – now we know how it really works

The CRISPR gene editing complexCARLOS CLARIVAN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY By Michael Le Page A storm of criticism met the claimed creation of the first genome-edited children in China last month. One reason is that the twin girls have unpredicted new mutations whose effects are unknown. But it now appears there’s a really easy way to ensure… Read More »

Medical News Today: Endometriosis after a cesarean delivery: What to know

Having a cesarean section is a risk factor for endometriosis. Endometriosis following a cesarean delivery remains relatively rare, but it is a potential complication that women should discuss with their doctors. A 2013 study found that women who had undergone cesarean delivery were more likely to receive an in-hospital endometriosis diagnosis. They also found a… Read More »

What We Know About Diet and Weight Loss – The New York Times

ImageCreditGaia Stella You’d think that scientists at an international conference on obesity would know by now which diet is best, and why. As it turns out, even the experts still have widely divergent opinions. At a recent meeting of the Obesity Society, organizers held a symposium during which two leading scientists presented the somewhat contradictory… Read More »

Can you really live on meat alone? Everything you need to know about the carnivore diet

Mikhaila Peterson eats just under one kilogram of beef per day, mostly chuck roasts fried in beef tallow. The daughter of celebrity academic Jordan Peterson doesn’t use salt much anymore, she recently told Geoffrey Woo, CEO and co-founder of HVMN (pronounced “human”), a Silicon Valley company that sells supplements. The pink Himalayan rock salt made… Read More »