Tag Archives: Link

Vaping and hearing loss: Is there a link?

Studies have shown smoking cigarettes can damage your hearing, but what about vaping? Many vaping products contain chemicalsknown to be harmful to human health. There’s no conclusive research yet, but it appears that vaping indeed carries similar risks to smoking. And depending on the chemicals found in the vape juice flavoring, it may even be more… Read More »

The dangerous link between smoking and hearing loss

Smoking is a well-established risk factor for hearing loss. Studies have shown that time and again exposure to cigarette smoke–whether directly, secondhand, or even in utero–can have a big impact on a person’s hearing health. Smoking can contribute to poor health, including hearing loss. For example, Reuters News reported last year that smokers were 60 percent more likely… Read More »

Link between neonatal vitamin D deficiency and schizophrenia confirmed

Newborns with vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of schizophrenia later in life, a team of Australian and Danish researchers has reported. The discovery could help prevent some cases of the disease by treating vitamin D deficiency during the earliest stages of life. The study, led by Professor John McGrath from The University of Queensland and Aarhus University in Denmark,… Read More »