The Synchronizer Ensures Heartbeat

By | September 20, 2018

Pacemaker is a deputy, who takes over when the heart is not the pace. In the future, the chest-mounted unit may be offset by the injection of stem cells. A pacemaker is needed, if the heart’s own electrical impulses are not enough to keep your heart rate above.

Is typical of patients with pacemakers is not because of problems with the heart rate and pace-makers on the other hand is very different. Pacemakers are of three types: The most common repair missing, stuttering or slow heart rate. The so-called internal defibrillators again interrupt the arrhythmia with fast pacing or electrical shock. Pacemakers current can also be controlled by the frequency of the heart rate, depending on what the user is doing. Jogging is needed faster rate than the rest.

Battery-operated pacemaker was invented in the 1950s, but its disadvantages include sensitivity to external shocks. In the future, it is replaced by other, biological ordinate, to be built in such as stem cells.

Beating Cells are Grown

In the sinus node of the heart beat arises, which is a specialized condensation of heart muscle cells. Bow Ties produce electronic voltage changes, which are the muscle cells to contract. Electrical impulses from the sinus node, the complexity of the producers called hassocks channels (funny channels). Poor acting bow can get a heart beat too slowly or irregularly. Node can be damaged by the heart attack, but in most cases the reason is the sheer inactivity aging.

The researchers dreams capped by a biological pacemaker, which would replace the electronic. Live cells are able to meet the body’s needs far better than even the best of the electronic device. For example, the current pacemakers are able to react with strong emotional experiences or medication: They work, stated that the applicant horror movie or two at Little or beta-blocker or not. Biological would be more sensitive.

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Last year, In one research terminated the sinus node. They built a cell culture, a gene by gene were funny channels again – and got them to work. Birth rate was still too rapid and irregular, but the study was a leap forward in understanding the operation of the sinus node.

Previously, promising results have been obtained, inter alia stem cells. In 2004, human stem cells obtained laboratories grown heart muscle cells, and when they pulsing well were implanted in porcine heart. The transplanted cells find the heart in action, while pigs for their own sinus node was silenced.

Stem Cells Harvested Hearts

Cardiac function improved stem cell treatments are not a new thing. The heart muscle damage caused by them, and congestive heart failure treated with an experimental bone marrow taken from the patient’s own stem cells.

Type of treatment is expected to improve cardiac contractility three or even five times a simple coronary artery bypass surgery compared. The final summary of the investigation which started in 2006, the results have not yet been made. The main problem is to determine the effectiveness of treatment and duration, as well as the best way to move cells. Any problems or complications, such as cardiac arrhythmia, has not occurred.

A similar research is being done elsewhere in the world, but in Finland, the stem cells are transferred at one time more than in other similar studies and the cells are of the same situation during pelvic surgery. They are usually stored overnight in the laboratory.

Although the correction of heart muscle stem cells is not the same thing as the pulsating sinus construction of stem cells, this research will bring your heart rate to investigate some important information about the survival of stem cells in the patient’s heart. In the future, the pacemaker may not be able to install the heart of a one-time injection into beating cells.

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