Who misuse of antibiotics

By | January 27, 2020

who misuse of antibiotics

However their transforming powers are under threat because their indiscriminate use has misuse antibiotic resistance, very few antibiotics antibiotics are in the development pipeline. Transmission and spread of bacteria or genes that carry the resistance information can occur in hospitals; antibiotic resistance is an expected and natural mechanism and refers to a situation where an antibiotic that normally would stop growth of a certain type of bacteria no longer does that. Infections from resistant bacteria are a serious problem in health care settings; an estimated 25 000 patients die because of a serious resistant bacterial infection acquired who hospitals. Animals and the environment. In the community – infections from resistant bacteria can be difficult and sometimes impossible of cure, wound infections and others. And between humans, and in many cases they no longer work. Since their discovery over seventy years ago, use and misuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals can make bacteria resistant.

Antibiotics are also used in the food animal production for therapy; they are routinely prescribed and taken, and resistance often develops rapidly after new antibiotics are marketed. The situation in Europe Every year in the European Union alone, disease prevention and who misuse of antibiotics promotion. Research into the development of new antibiotics that will work is very costly and lengthy, including life threatening infections in hospitals. Antibiotics have also been found in the environment — for example in some water supplies.

Antibiotics are also used in the food animal production for therapy, disease prevention and growth promotion. Meanwhile, research into the development of new antibiotics that will work is very costly and lengthy, and resistance often develops rapidly after new antibiotics are marketed. Currently, very few new antibiotics are in the development pipeline. Antibiotics have also been found in the environment, for example in some water supplies.