Author Archives: Health

Liars, Ghostwriters and Whistleblowers: How Bayer Made the Worst Deal in History

Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018 for $ 63 billion, a purchase Bayer CEO Werner Baumann said would further their goal of creating a leading agriculture company.1 Bayer is now the largest seed and pesticide company in the world, but it might not stay that way for long, as lawsuits mount against the chemical giant over… Read More »

What to do about dry skin on the penis

The skin on a person’s penis is particularly sensitive, and dry skin may cause discomfort. A person may develop dry skin on their penis skin for many reasons, including unlubricated sex or masturbation, chafing clothes, and use of harsh soaps. Dry skin on the penis by itself is not usually a sign of a sexually… Read More »

How to Care for Different Types of Fabrics

It’s a wonder of modern life that there are so many different types of fabric. It’s what enables you to have heavy curtains, light summer clothes, and even sweat absorbent exercise gear. More… Of course, each different type of material requires its own care routine; it’s the best way of ensuring it lasts for as… Read More »