Author Archives: wpadmin

Singing may improve hearing abilities of children with cochlear implants, study indicates

Singing is fun for any child, but for children with cochlear implants, it may help refine their hearing, particularly in noisy environments, according to a new study. Singing can strengthen the connectionsbetween hearing and speech. The study, published in the journal Music Perception, analyzed “speech-in-noise” skills in children with cochlear implants. Over about a year, the… Read More »

Allogene Therapeutics to build out facility for allogeneic CAR T treatments

Another CAR T production facility is slated for the U.S. as a biotech moves down the road with a bucket full of cash and a fist full of candidates. But unlike currently approved CAR T treatments,  Allogene Therapeutics is looking to use donated T-cells that may simplify the very complex manufacturing processes. Allogene on Wednesday… Read More »

What gluten-free food can I eat?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Some people who choose to eat gluten-free often avoid eating overly processed breads, pasta, and other baked goods. This can lead to weight loss and overall health improvements, as people avoid highly processed, unhealthful foods. For some other people, however, eating gluten-free is a necessity.… Read More »