Category Archives: News

What Will Shape Joe Biden’s Health Care Agenda?

I’m thrilled to have health futurist Jeff Goldsmith back on THCB, and given Biden was only confirmed as President-elect this morning, his article on what to expect is extremely timely!–Matthew Holt By  JEFF GOLDSMITH The Trump administration’s health care journey began with a trillion dollar near miss–the failed Repeal and Replacement of ObamaCare- and ended… Read More »

What Is The Smoker’s Flu And How Can You Spot It?

With the COVID-19 pandemic raging on and a big part of it involving throat and chest pain, you may be starting to rethink your smoking habits. You might be thinking that supporting your body’s full health is what you want to do. Quitting smoking can reduce anxiety, lung damage, and throat pain significantly. Quitting cold… Read More »

The Secret to Raising Smart Kids

More than three decades of scientific research suggests that repeatedly telling children that they are especially smart or talented leaves them vulnerable to failure, and fearful of challenges. Children raised this way develop an implicit belief that intelligence is innate and fixed, making striving to learn seem less important than seeming smart; challenges, mistakes, and… Read More »