Category Archives: News

Urinary Antibacterial and Antiseptic Pharmaceuticals Market Growth and Segments, 2016-2026

Urinary tract infection refers to bacterial infection in any part of urinary system such as urethra, ureters, bladder and kidney. Urinary tract infections are common in patients which are using urinary catheter, diabetics and elderly people having compromised immunity. Most of the urinary infections are caused by E. coli and S. aureus. Urinary tract infections… Read More »

Kidney Disease in Dogs

Kidney disease in dogs is very serious and is usually incurable. It is a condition that often affects older dogs and is related to the declining years in the life of a dog. There are two types of kidney disease in dogs – acute and chronic. When the kidneys fail to function in the proper… Read More »

Are You Eating Healthy?

As a full time worker and student it has been difficult to find the right healthy foods to eat. With the packaging of your foods becoming more about marketing and what will make someone buy the product companies are forgetting to consider whether or not their product is truly healthy or not. It is scary… Read More »

Relieve Arthritis Pain

There are over 40 million Americans looking for a way to relieve arthritis pain. The problem has become epidemic in the United States and finding a way to relieve arthritis pain has come to the top of the list for many. Although the types of arthritis and degrees of pain vary, they all are in… Read More »