Category Archives: News

Why we need fibre — and how we can get more of it

By Vanessa Hrvatin Fibre is known to be an important part of a nutritious diet, yet most of us are notoriously bad at getting enough of it. It’s estimated that most Canadians only consume about half the amount of recommended daily fibre. But why is it an important part of our diet? Here’s everything you… Read More »

World first HIV positive sperm bank in NZ

The world’s first HIV positive sperm bank has been launched in New Zealand as efforts continue to reduce the stigma experienced by those living with the virus. Sperm Positive has begun with three male donors from across New Zealand who are living with HIV but have an undetectable viral load, meaning the amount of the… Read More »

Daily on Healthcare: Deadline Wednesday for cigarette warning label comments

Subscribe today to the Washington Examiner magazine and get Washington Briefing: politics and policy stories that will keep you up to date with what’s going on in Washington. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Just $ 1.00 an issue! DEADLINE AHEAD ON CIGARETTE WARNING LABELS: Here’s another item to watch in the U.S. government’s battle against nicotine addiction: How… Read More »