Category Archives: News

Stigma of opioids keeps users from seeking help, taints views of medical professionals

“Can you think of all the tax dollars it’s cost for you to go to detox?” the doctor asked Raina McMahan when she arrived at the clinic in Revere seeking help for her 15-year heroin addiction. “What is the matter with you?” McMahan, now six years into her recovery and a certified recovery coach at… Read More »

Is There Treatment for Varicose Veins?

What Are Varicose Veins, and What Causes Them? Blood is meant to travel from your heart throughout your body via your veins. These veins have valves that open to let blood flow past and close off behind it. When these valves aren’t working correctly or become weak, blood is then backed up around the vein… Read More »

AHA News: Women and Men Tolerate Heart Transplants Equally Well, But Men May Get Better Hearts

FRIDAY, Oct. 11, 2019 (American Heart Association News) — Women are just as likely as men to survive after a heart transplant despite often getting poorer-quality donor hearts, new research shows. The findings, published this week in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Heart Failure, sought to shed new light on what role, if any,… Read More »