Category Archives: News

Why We Need to Educate Our Kids About AIDS

It was the early 1980’s when I remember first hearing about a disease called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Back then it was talked about in hush tones as the “gay disease” because primarily homosexual men were diagnosed with the disease. It wasn’t until a young boy by the name of Ryan White was diagnosed… Read More »

The Average Guy's Guide to Olympic Lifting

Bodyweight tabatas, burpees, and HIIT training can be fun, but if you spend enough time in the gym, you just may find yourself exploring Olympic lifting. Moves like the power clean-and-jerk and barbell snatch can build strength, explosive power, and serious muscle — and they just plain look cool, too. Advertisement – Continue Reading Below… Read More »

Many Ways of Skinning a Statistical Cat

By SAURABH JHA MD  In this episode of Firing Line, Saurabh Jha (aka @RogueRad), has a conversation with Professor Brian Nosek, a metaresearcher and co-founder of Center for Open Science. They discuss the implications of this study, which showed that there was a range of analytical methods when interrogating the database to answer a specific… Read More »