Irish researchers hope epilepsy gene find will help sufferers

By | December 12, 2018
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Eilish O'Regan

People with epilepsy will get a greater insight into their condition following the discovery of 11 genes associated with the illness.

It comes in the largest study of its kind on epilepsy, which was led by a team of international researchers including scientists at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).

The research is published in ‘Nature Communications’ and it is hoped it will greatly advance knowledge of the underlying biological causes of epilepsy and may inform the development of treatments for the condition in the future.

Norman Delanty, a consultant neurologist at Beaumont and associate professor at RCSI, said: “Identifying the genes that cause epilepsy is particularly important when we consider that a third of the 65 million patients worldwide will not become seizure free using current treatment options.”

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