A vegan diet: How to do it right

While you can’t argue the endless benefits of a plant foods, “it takes a lot of work to be a healthy vegan,” where the diet is entirely plant-based, GP Dr Jill Gamberg of Double Bay Doctors said. “It is of utmost importance for those following a vegan diet to get the nutrients needed for good… Read More »

Phone call that changed everything

ON NOVEMBER 24, 2014, Jim Skivalidas received a phone call that changed his life. His brother called to tell him the roof of his chiropractic clinic in Port Melbourne was on fire. “I arrived on the scene 15 minutes later, following the cloud trail that made its away across the city, to see five fire… Read More »

New Research On Inflammation Shows How Extreme Grief Can Undermine Health

Getty royalty free A mountain of research demonstrates that inflammation is a killer. When our bodies’ natural response to disease and injury is unchecked, it can lead to chronic conditions ranging from arthritis to depression to heart disease. Links have also been found to some cancers and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Less understood… Read More »

Harvard research targets cancer drivers

Discoveries in cancer research have included everything from genes that can transform healthy cells into tumor cells to advances related to tumor immunology, but those breakthroughs have often led to new complexities, leaving researchers with additional questions. Now, the limits of those complexities may be coming into view. Evidence uncovered by a team of researchers… Read More »