Diabetes type 2 warning – the ‘eruptive’ skin outbreak you should never ignore

Diabetes is a common condition that affects around 3.7 million people in the UK. It’s caused by the pancreas not producing enough of the hormone insulin, or the body not reacting to insulin. Without enough insulin, the body struggles to convert sugar in the blood into useable energy. You could be at risk of diabetes… Read More »

How Apricot Nourishes The Body

Apricot is a small golden fruit that you may mistake for a peach or tangerine. While somewhat tart, it is more musky or amaretto-like than you might expect. Each apricot fruit contains more than 80 nutrients, including vitamin A and C, B vitamins, and the all-important vitamin B17 that is also known as amygdalin. Amygdalin… Read More »