Tag Archives: Diet

Why high fat low carb diet

Any excess glucose in the bloodstream will attach itself to available protein in a process called glycation. But a plethora of books published in the last decade have been low-carb, high-protein, or low-carb, high-fat, or low-carb, high-‘good’-fats, or all sorts of why high fat low carb diet mixtures. Body Fat Free Mass is Associated with… Read More »

Can i take diet pills after miscarriage

If your birth control pills were causing you to retain water, a condition that can cause your body to exhibit higher hCG levels and bleeding symptoms for months. Black cohosh is anti, before your first period begins. The time when this happens will be different for each woman. You should also avoid food that are… Read More »

What is the no bread diet

Bread and potatoes aren’t necessarily unhealthy, but you may choose to exclude them from your diet or eat them in small what is the no bread diet if you’re diabetic to help prevent blood sugar spikes. Best Diet Tips Ever 22 ways to stay on track. Some celebrities swear by it, many know friends that… Read More »

Heard of the low sulfur diet? Eating low-protein may prolong your life, say researchers – CNN

But what if you could get the same longevity benefits without having to eat less? New research shows limiting protein-rich foods that naturally contain high levels of sulfur amino acids, such as meats, dairy, nuts and soy, may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. If future research bears that out, it may be another stepping… Read More »