Tag Archives: health

Weekly Roundup for FEBRUARY 15, 2019: Recent Publications in Women’s Mental Health

Back in 2016, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended that all adults, including pregnant and postpartum women, should be screened for depression; the task force has extended those recommendations by stating that all pregnant and postpartum women should be evaluated in order to determine risk for depressive illness and recommends that women at… Read More »

For both health care and health care journalism, there’s something missing in the middle

December 19, 2018 Posted By Categories Joy Victory has been deputy managing editor of HealthNewsReview.org since 2016. She tweets as @thejoyvictory. In 2015, a few months before I started working at HealthNewsReview.org, Cosmopolitan magazine published my article, “Why are so many American women dying in childbirth?” Tired of women getting blamed for the problem, I… Read More »

A final HealthNewsReview.org report card from 3,200+ systematic reviews of health care news stories & PR releases

In 2005, as I began building HealthNewsReview.org, I got permission from Dr. David Henry of the Media Doctor Australia project to adopt their news story review criteria. In the ensuing 13 years, no one has ever placed in front of me a solid, specific suggestion for a better set of criteria for reviewing stories about… Read More »