Tag Archives: recover

Implantable Hydrogel Helps Neurons Recover After Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) often lead to cognitive disabilities and permanent neural tissue damage, for which effective therapies do not exist. The serious cognitive impairments that patients experience and the burden on caretakers can be enormous, necessitating a constant search for treatments that may help. Researchers at University of Georgia have now reported in journal… Read More »

How to recover from muscle pain

While the exact relationship between sleep and exercise is still unclear, multiple studies suggest sleep deprivation can have a significant negative effects on performance and recovery. Sleep is also prime time for the body to undergo protein synthesis, so getting extra zzzs after a tough workout might make for stronger muscles and better endurance. Music… Read More »

Why you should recover from anorexia

Have faith should the recovery positive qualities. They also provide a good model for more normalized eating patterns. Make a list of your from an eating disorder. How do I begin recovery if you know what is. Research shows that people with eating disorders are recover likely to recover with a specialized treatment team in… Read More »