Your Holidays And Your Cholesterol

By | January 25, 2019

holiday meal

We hope that you had a great time over the Holidays. Possibly you, like most of us, went to too many parties or open houses and ate too much. Almost every one expects to put on a few pounds between Christmas and New years, but what about your cholesterol? Well this news is not good.


An observational study of 25,764 Danes found that after gorging on traditional holiday foods their cholesterols went sky high. Nearly nine out of ten had hypercholesterolemia. In the U.S. the typical Christmas meal is about 3,000 calories with 140 grams of fat. These numbers do not bode well for your own cholesterol. 


If you are scheduled for a physical examination that includes blood chemistries it would be a good idea to wait a month or so for your blood work to return to your normal baseline.




See also  What food is high in cholesterol