Author Archives: Health

Ebola outbreak in Congo still not a public health emergency of international concern

WHO defines a public health emergency of international concern as “an extraordinary event” that constitutes a “public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease” and “to potentially require a coordinated international response.” In announcing the decision by the committee, Dr. Preben Aavitsland, the acting chair of the emergency committee, said “possible… Read More »

Man Goes Viral After Offering ‘Dad Hugs’ to LGBTQ Youth at Pittsburgh Pride

A man found himself going viral this week after attending Pittsburgh Pride, where he offered free “Dad Hugs” to anybody who might want one. Scott “Howie” Dittman decided to tag along to the parade with his friend Denna, who was going with LGBTQ ally organization Free Mom Hugs. “Taking some time out to make people… Read More »