Author Archives: wpadmin

Health in 2 Point 00, Episode 67 | uBiome, Planned Parenthood and Lively

On Episode 67 of Health in 2 Point 00, Jess is appalled at the CDC’s salmonella warning for hedgehogs. But in other news, Jess asks me about uBiome, which has raised over $ 100 million, laying off over 50 people; Planned Parenthood’s new chatbot that helps answer teenagers’ questions about sexual health; and Lively’s recent… Read More »

Parents count cost of educating children over 13 years of school

Parents in regional NSW are paying more for a public school education than anywhere else apart from metropolitan Queensland, according to new ASG Planning for Education Index research. ASG chief executive Ross Higgins said the group’s survey showed the cost of public school education in regional NSW would be an estimated $ 73,808 over 13 years… Read More »

Drug problem pill-testing debate ignores

As the debate surrounding pill testing at music festivals continues to heat up, the harm associated with another drug — alcohol — appears to have disappeared from the spotlight. Over the Australia Day long weekend, 25 people were transferred to hospital from the Electric Gardens, Hardcore Till I Die and Rolling Loud music festivals in… Read More »