Category Archives: News

Bad Posture contributes to Lower Back Pain

In the words of the wise MoriheiUeshiba, a famous martial artist and founder of the Japanese martial art of aikido, “A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind”. Humans communicate in a number of ways. Language is our primary means of communication however, that’s only one side of the coin. Equally important… Read More »

Causes And Symptoms Of Poor Erection And Natural Remedies To Treat The Problem

Physical Causes for Poor Erection Sex for men is as complicated as much as they love it. Hence many men suffer from poor erection issues. Unlike women, several parts of men’s body should co-operate with his desire to perform well in sex. A man’s brain, nerves, heart, blood vessels, spinal cord, hormonal glands and several… Read More »

Social anxiety can strike without warning

If you get tensed or nervous while giving a speech in front of many people or attending an interview regarding a job, there are chances that you might be suffering from social anxiety disorder. The underlying cause for this social anxiety disorder is often the fear of getting judged, embarrassed, or scrutinized in public. Though… Read More »