Within Reach acquires Danish business telecommunications company ipnordic

Supplier of intelligent telephony becomes part of fast-growing UCaaS champion Almere/Dortmund, 11 January 2019 – ipnordic, supplier of intelligent telephony, becomes part of Within Reach. The fast-growing European group backed by pan-European investment company Waterland completed the acquisition of the Danish award-winning organisation ipnordic. The transaction further contributes to the growth strategy of Within Reach… Read More »

The quickest way to get rid of a cold

The cold season is in full swing so I thought to share with you my top tips on how to get rid of a cold fast. I am actually really lucky now that I figured out how to keep my immune system strong in the colder months and while everybody around me is ill with… Read More »

12 Ways To Remember To Drink Water

Hydration is key — here are 12 Ways To Remember To Drink Water. Just because it’s cold and we may not be sweating as much while we’re outside, doesn’t mean we can’t get dehydrated in the winter too! Beginning stages of dehydration can make you feel a little lethargic, may cause headaches, cause a feeling… Read More »